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Apr 30, 2019

The ladies discuss the Sarah Lawrence sex cult, Vanity Fair's Bari Weiss profile, and this year's Dazed 100 list.

Apr 23, 2019

Amber A'Lee Frost is back to recap the Zizek/Peterson debate, the online left's Zizekian Oedipus complex and Elizabeth Warren's foray into Game of Thrones fanfic.

Apr 20, 2019

Instagram model and lifestyle entrepreneur Zoe Kestan aka Weed Slut 420 stops by the pod for some girl talk and to unveil her new line of lingerie and smoking products.

Apr 15, 2019

The ladies talk about Notre Dame going up in flames, the Trump Administration's apparent sanctuary cities immigration about-face, and Brett Easton Ellis' problematic press tour for his upcoming nonfiction release "White" — as well as offer up some impromptu reviews of Soho's most deplorable shopping hotspots.

Apr 14, 2019

The ladies are joined by special guest Dan Allegretto live in scenic Gowanus.